The characteristics of floating type pneumatic fenders are as follows. 1. Advantages a. Adaptable to change in the tidal level. b. Low and uniform surface pressure. c. Simple and low cost installation. d. Low maintenance cost. 2. Types a. Net Type The net type fender is covered by a chain net, wire net or fibre net for small size fenders. Usually these nets have used tyres together with rubber sleeves for additional protection, except for the fibre net which has only rubber sleeves. Chain nets last longer against corrosion while wire nets are light and more easily repaired. b. Sling Type This type has eyelets built into the fender body for easy installation. Handling of the sling type is easy due to its light weight. Its maintenance is also easy. 3. Typical Cut Section of Fender Wall 4. Performance Table 5. Installation Methods a. Jetty Quay and Dolphin Use At both ends of the fender's chain or wire net, first fit the shackles, then the swivel joints and then further shackles should be installed. A guy chain or guy rope is secured to the outer shackle. The swivel joint prevents twisting of the guy. b. Ship to Ship The following are examples of the installation method. Four pieces of large size fenders are usually floated as primary fenders to absorb impact energy at berthing. Two pieces of small-size fenders are hung high on the hull at both bow and quarter of the smaller ship to prevent contact during rolling due to swell(Tied in a row) 6. Installation Equipment The typical installation equipment and necessary parts for installations are shown below. These are the various sizes of shackles, swivels ring rubber sleeves, thimbles etc. according to the applicable fender capacity.
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