Electronic system by which the bearing and distance of an object are found by the emission of a radio pulse.
An object’s bearing and distance can be measured by observing the direction from which the pulse returns and the time elapsed from when it was sent. Ships of 500 gross tons or more constructed on or after September 1st, 1984 and ships of 1,600 gross tons or more constructed before September 1st, 1984 shall be fitted with a radar installation. From February 1st, 1995, the radar installation will be capable of operating on the 9 GHz frequency band. In addition, cargo ships of 300 gross tons or more, when engaged on international voyages, shall be fitted with a radar installation capable of operating on 9 GHz frequency band.
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Özgürlük District, Murat Çobanoğlu Street. No:29. Postcode:41420. Çayırova/Kocaeli-TÜRKİYE