Use on electronic circuits to identify intermittent faulty components. Non-flammable, F-Gas compliant, low GWP. Remark : F-Gas regulation
Article 13(3) Refrigeration Service Bans:
From 1 January 2020, the use of fluorinated greenhouse gases with a GWP of 2500 or more, to service or maintain refrigeration equipment with a charge size of 40 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) or more, shall be prohibited.
This paragraph shall not apply to:
→→ military equipment, or
→→ equipment intended for applications designed to cool products to temperatures below –50 °C
→→ until 1.1.2030: reclaimed or recycled f-gases providing they have been labelled in accordance with Article 12. Recycled gases may only be used by the undertaking which carried out the recovery … or the undertaking for which the recovery was carried out.
→→ refrigeration equipment for which received an exemption has been
(Quoted from “Guide to updated EU f-gas regulation (517/2014)”, published by the Linde Group)
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Özgürlük District, Murat Çobanoğlu Street. No:29. Postcode:41420. Çayırova/Kocaeli-TÜRKİYE