An insecticidal smoke generator containing Permethrin as the active ingredient. Highly effective for the control of cockroaches, house ticks, bedbugs, fleas, and larvae of fly and mosquitoes in buildings, vessel-holds, warehouses, ships, restaurants, hospitals and factories. When fumigated, insecticidal smoke is emitted penetrating into every corner and hard-to-reach place to eradicate the insects. Features: 1. Highly effective both in knockdowns and long-lasting effects. 2. Flushes insects from hiding places and kills them. 3. Simple to use, ignite the wick of the can with a match. 4. Not harmful to people or animals. 5. Does not corrode metals.
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Rotrenza Contact Details
Özgürlük District, Murat Çobanoğlu Street. No:29. Postcode:41420. Çayırova/Kocaeli-TÜRKİYE