Used for coating repair, coating removal, steel surface preparation and anti-fouling removal, and designed to accept any media heavier than water and has a blast rating of up to 12 bar (175 PSI).
Vapor Abrasive blasting is similar to dry blasting, except that the blast media is moistened prior to impacting the surface and creates up to 92% less dust than traditional dry blasting. Because dust is minimized, less containment may be required and media clean-up time can be reduced. The EcoQuip2 blasters use less water than slurry or other water-based blasting technologies, so no pools of water are left behind, and less need to worry about toxic runoff. The end result is a cleaner, more effectively contained process. The EcoQuip2 blasting units are designed for years of safe and solid onboard maintenance. Determining the pressure setting for your application
1.8 - 3.8 Bar (25-55 psi) Cleaning Soft Metals, Wood, Aluminium, Efflorescence Removal, Graffiti Removal, Parts Cleaning 3.9 - 6.2 Bar (56 - 90 psi) Line Stripe Removal, Pitted Paint Removal, Rust Removal 6.2 - 8.3 Bar (91 - 120 psi) Steel Surface Prep and Coating Removal 8.3 - 12 Bar (121-175 psi) White Metal Blast to Near White Metal Blast, Removal of Layered Coatings and Polyurea Removal. A high production, entry-level skid unit. Designed to tackle most typical blasting applications. The EQs is built according to extremely strict standards and can be stacked safely on a platform or a ship deck. Standard models have a coated crash frame and enclosure. *Packages include 15 m (50 ft) blast hose with electric or pneumatic blast controls (machine accepts either type of hose), #8 HP nozzle and tool kit.