Probably the most popular marine temperature calibrator in the world! The MTC series facilitates the unique JOFRA MVI system, which ensures full stability, even if the mains supply is ±20 VAC! A true timesaver. Large inserts make these calibrators suitable for even large exhaust sensors, and liquid filled temperature switches. The MTC series features a large easy-to-read backlit display that provides icons and information regarding the status of the MTC and the calibration in progress. The MTC series also features an auto-stepping function, which makes it possible to stay in the control room or on the bridge to monitor the temperature reading while the calibrator, located in the engine room by the sensor, automatically steps through a number of pre-programmed temperatures thus performing a full loop calibration. Major Features: 12-month accuracy to ±0.4oC / 0.7oF, Temperature ranges -17 to 650oC / -1 to 1202oF, 3 different models, RS232 interface and JOFRACAL calibration software, Stability indicator, Timesaving auto-stepping and switch test functions, MVI stability circuitry, Interchangeable inserts including multiholes
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Özgürlük District, Murat Çobanoğlu Street. No:29. Postcode:41420. Çayırova/Kocaeli-TÜRKİYE