Used in many bonding applications in the marine industry – especially in environments where epoxy adhesives are not strong enough (for example due to high temperature, vibration, shocks and structural demands). Quick and high initial bonding strength (mechanical durability after 8 – 9 min.), Residual elasticity and impact resistance, Typical Applications: - Bonding name plates, controls, instruments, consoles for machines, - Bonding galvanized profile sheets for cabins, - Magnet bonding, - Bonding metal and plastic laminates, sandwich elements for ship construction, Fast-curing, high-strength construction adhesive (initial strength after 10-15minutes) for bonding different materials. This high-viscosity type allows application ever on vertical surfaces. Colour after curing; light beige, opaque. Available both in 24 g a practical double syringe or in 50 g the modern Easy-Mix mixing and dosing system.
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Rotrenza Contact Details
Özgürlük District, Murat Çobanoğlu Street. No:29. Postcode:41420. Çayırova/Kocaeli-TÜRKİYE